Allowed to kill anyone, as long as they advert terror Terrorists - Another job made for the sole purpose of deathmatch. Good for showing off what kind of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you are and what kind of server you're in. Vaper/Vape lounge owner - Gets a vape swep. A long with all of these you will generally also have a handful of VIP versions of these jobs. Now typically a server's police/goverment roles will have - Police, Police Chief, Mayor, Donald Trump, Dictator, SWAT, SWAT Medic, SWAT shotgunner, SWAT sniper, SWAT leader, Police gun dealer, Prison guard.

Police - Remember when the three police/goverment roles were Civil Protection, Civil Protection Chief and Mayor?

Gnome/Joker/Zombie/Slenderman/Cultist/Charles Manson/some faggoty villain from an anime - Pointless roles made for the sole purpose of giving players a reason to kill other players. randomly used on players to make a 30 second rape animation, this is the only purpose of this class. They often just float in midair and have bridges connecting them to the map, and use colurful moving materials, invisable props and the like. Hobo - Allowed to build outside, only dumb because typically hobos have elaborate bases complete with machine guns, fading doors, money printers etc. When people do this I literally feel like i'm in a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cringe compilation MOVE = KOS TALK = KOS PULL WEAPON = KOS DONT GIVE IN 3 SECONDS = KOS advert DADDY GOT HIS ♥♥♥♥ STUCK (RAID UNSUCESSFUL) advert DROP YOUR PANTIES ♥♥♥♥♥ DADDIES HOME (RAID)

The annoying part is you got all these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with 10 different chat binds like one kid will have all the following binds: It makes no sense and kids constantly complain to the admins that they didn't advert because they wern't reading chat. The dumbest DarkRP rule in my opinion is have to advert raid/raid over/raid failed and mug/mug over and rape / rape over and terror / terror over. These same players are the first to report when someone accidently shot them in a crossfire and try to spend the next 15 minutes in an admin sit so that the other player will get "warned" I've seen servers with over 100 individual rules.ĩ5% players/staff break the rules anytime it benefits them and they don't think they'll get in trouble. DarkRP servers have a tendency to have a rule list so long, it would take 15 minutes+ to read them all, so much that they have too divvy up their rules into different sections.