The new 12.9-inch iPad Pro has, however, cured that envy! I recently found myself sat close to someone in a coffee shop. The simplicity and lightweight form factor were very appealing, and I did find it required something of an effort to resist temptation when visiting Amazon. I decided in the end that my original decision was still valid – it was silly to carry two devices – but I must say that I still glanced enviously in their direction when I saw someone using one. When the Kindle Paperwhite came out, however, that addressed the biggest weakness of the device, and I did very briefly consider getting one. On the other hand, the iPad was better at night, enabling me to read in bed in the dark without disturbing my partner. The Kindle was much lighter, and easier to read in sunlight. However, it did always feel like a compromise.

I switched to using my iPad as my ebook reader, something I’ve done ever since.

I did initially carry both iPad and Kindle, but after a while it felt kind of redundant to carry two tablet-style devices when I could instead read books on my iPad. That changed, however, when the first iPad came out … My Kindle went literally everywhere with me, whether it was across town or to the other side of the world.

I was doing a lot of business travel at a time, and absolutely loved the ability to carry a whole load of books with me at all times in essentially zero space. It will surprise no-one that I was an early adopter of the Kindle, buying one almost the moment they went on sale back in 2007.